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How to sell more using the right words - crucial copy tip

When Apple announced the first iPod 20 years ago, they launched a campaign with a slogan that people still talk about today:

"1,000 songs in your pocket."

Why did this work so well?

The slogan works cause it's simple, concise, and clear.

Before the iPod and other MP3 players, we had those big CD players. They certainly did not fit in our pocket.

When I bought my first MP3 player, I remember reading about the storage and thinking: "Well, how many songs can I store on that though?" I didn't care about how many gigabytes it had. I cared about how many songs I could have on it. And if I can fit it in my pocket.

The slogan works cause it's simple, concise, and clear.

In one line it communicates what the buyers wanted to know.

Focus on the solution for the customer.

If you want to make an impact, focus on the customer. Focus on the solution for the customer.

Not the features of your product. Not your company. Not your "great" team. Not your own great expertise. None of that.

All of the focus should be on your potential customers, because they are the ones reading about your offer. And if they can't scan your product or service description and get interested, they're going to be out before you know it. They're going to be checking out your competitors.

What are some simple steps you can do today.

Make sure your headlines are focused on the solution they're looking for. Make them clear and specific. None of that "elevate your business", "upgrade your business", or "take your business to the next level" kinda sh*t.

Be specific:

  • Is your service going to help them get more leads or sales? Talk about that.

  • Is your product going to help them sleep better and feel more productive the next day? Talk about that.

Talk in clear, specific solutions.


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